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Christian Burney
Position: Herald Staff Writer

Housing official says workforce, character of Durango threatened by lack of affordable inventory

Guest speaker renews warnings during Eggs & Issues forum

Consultant analysis details alternatives for Lake Nighthorse pipeline

Recommended option involves 7.4 miles of new pipe

21-year-old man found dead in Durango apartment on Friday

An autopsy is scheduled for Monday

Durango Board of Ethics launches investigation into complaint filed in January

Open records request reveals multiple potential violations

Durango names five finalists for next police chief

No matter who is chosen, they’ll ‘have big shoes to fill,’ city manager says

Durango to host smart cycling classes to help bicyclists and motorists coexist

Rules of the road and safety maneuvers to be taught in classroom, hands-on-handlebars courses

Durango recruits residents to count pedestrians and cyclists at 19th Street and Main Avenue

Study to take place last week of March, first week of April

Durango City Council approves preliminary plan for US Eagle Credit Union

Financial institution plans to build branch near Three Springs subdivision

Aquatics supervisor, Durango rec center team lauded for saving man who was suffering cardiac arrest

Chances of survival in such scenarios are, ‘quite frankly, dismal,’ EMS chief says

National Weather Service says more snow to come, but none will stick

Durango has received about half an inch of snow since Wednesday

Christian Champagne recounts triumphs before moving to next role

Outgoing district attorney said biggest wins were justice for victims of egregious crimes

Durango City Council adopts resolution limiting discussion

Councilors vote 3-1 to limit public comments at meetings to city business