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Debra Mayeux
Position: Tri-City Record

Former Farmington Municipal Schools finance secretary receives 4 years in prison

Tracy Padgett guilty of embezzling more than $62k from district

Colorado man faces 9 charges after allegedly fleeing on motorcycle

Christian Akin, 35, reportedly found with stolen firearm and fentanyl

Farmington substitute teacher arrested on sex charges

Nunez accused of child sex crimes while working at Hermosa Middle School

Police report two incidents near route of Farmington High protest

Two drivers arrested after coming close to disrupting peaceful protest

Farmington High lockdown caused by man ‘not in a sober state of mind’

Kinney faces multiple charges in May 17 school incident

New sculptures adorn Farmington’s Main Street

The juried exhibit is in its second year, city hopes it will drive tourism

Window Rock medicine man faces three years in federal prison

He admits to 20-year-old sex crime

12-year-old student planned school shooting, police say

No gun found, student suspended

Farmington High School placed on lockdown; lifted when parent arrested

Parent arrested on suspicion of multiple charges

A gun and its story: Farmington investigators get a new tool

Mobile ATF unit helps Farmington law enforcement solve gun crimes

Farmington man runs from court as judge advises him of resisting arrest charge

Officers catch up with suspect about an hour later

Family scuffle reportedly causes man to hit 4 people with pickup

Ashton Padilla charged with 4 counts aggravated battery with deadly weapon