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‘Conundrum’ of Kit Carson, peak named for him

My hike up Kit Carson Peak in June 2000 began with great ambition and ended with confusion. Confusion remains now, almost 24 years later, if in a different way. We’re not sure what to call t...

‘Making resolutions centers on change. And change is rarely easy’

It’s that time of year. But is anyone making resolutions anymore? I am but only as a default. On Dec. 11, I said: “Resolved: I will get on my treadmill every morning after breakfast for 20 m...

La Posta Road development: ‘Where do 200 children play?’

The latest La Posta Road Development Plan appears to be a bait and switch. The bait is federal urban renewal funding to pay for the sewer extension. The switch is from commercial/light indus...

Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would help state agencies

Fifty years ago today, President Richard Nixon signed the Endangered Species Act and the wildly effective act is our nation’s top wildlife law. Ninety-nine percent of the threatened and enda...

‘Southwest Colorado has a lot of good going on’

Every year is a mixed bag, and 2023 was no exception. On balance, though, life in Southwest Colorado has to be seen as pretty good. Moreover, there is reason to believe that will continue in...

Kroger-Albertsons merger has free-market benefits

Growing up in a small town had its advantages. No matter how bad I was at a given sport, I still had a chance to play because they needed enough kids to field a team. If my parents needed a...

Property tax task force ‘determined to create a bipartisan solution’

The first step of big change for Colorado happened last week: the start of a bipartisan look at property taxes, attempting to outline plans for financial sustainability. After the fall of Pr...

Dolores River’s protection Biden’s opportunity for conservation legacy

As the CEO and founder of a company deeply committed to sustaining the places where Coloradans work and play, I have the privilege of witnessing the transformative power of nature on both a ...

Surprise on Christmas Day, 1948

And the ‘fastest, most thrilling ride in town’

‘Shoshone outcome should inspire, give all hope’

Mark Twain, famous son from my hometown of Hannibal Mo., is credited with the quote, “Water is for fighting and whiskey is for drinking.” Little did Twain know his comment would still be rel...

‘Then there are the holidays. Many expectations I won’t meet’

To be honest, I’m feeling lousy-depressed, anxious, I have a poor appetite, I have muscle cramps and no energy. It’s probably at least in part situational. We’re making a double move. One in...

Shoshone Power Plant: ‘Biggest story of water in Colorado’

It is not often in a 24/7 news cycle, that a tiny story on Page 3 can make you sit up and shout out loud, “Well, I’ll be darned, that is the biggest story of water in Colorado in the last 50...
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